Sunday, June 2, 2013

Volunteers Needed Saturdays and Sundays at the Hospitality Hour Program at St. Francis Lutheran

A partnership of St. Francis Lutheran Church and Welcome in San Francisco, The Hospitality Hour Program serves breakfast every Sunday at 7:30am to the homeless and hungry living in the Casto/Duboce Triangle Neighborhood.  

Why this Meal is Important? 56% of individuals living with HIV/AIDS in San Francisco do not have enough food to regularly take their medications.  For many HIV+ individuals, their food insecurity are due to limitations on income that are a part of local and state health care requirements.  The Hospitality Hour provides breakfast and hospitality to some of the most vulnerable residents of San Francisco.

How Can You Help? Individual and group volunteers are needed every Saturday from 9:30am-1pm to sort food donations and prep food and every Sunday from 7:30-9:30am to serve food, eat with guests and help us clean up.  You can help once, annually, monthly or weekly.  Let us know your coming or simply join us at St. Francis Lutheran Church (152 Church St.) Volunteers need to push the button marked "parish hall" on the front gate to enter the building.  

Ready to start volunteering?  Email and let us know you're interested in volunteering at the Hospitality Hour on Saturdays and/or Sundays.

Want to learn more about this and other opportunities to volunteer at SF CARES programs?  Fill our our Volunteer Information Form and will help match you to available opportunities.

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