Thursday, April 4, 2013

Welcome's Third Saturday Trainings on How to do Urban Ministry Well

Do you wonder how military budget cuts and the high rate of homelessness and unemployment amongst veterans can affect your community?  Want to learn what resources you can refer veterans and homeless veterans to in San Francisco?  Or, perhaps you want to know how your congregation can support the work of the VA in supporting homeless veterans.

Come and learn about resources available to veterans in our community as well as have a chance to ask an expert any questions you may have on this topic.  Welcome Ministry continues its third Saturday series on doing urban ministry well on April 20th with a visit from Chris Windle, an AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer with the San Francisco VA.

The Welcome Ministry invites ushers, deacons, social ministry volunteers and anyone who is interested, to join us for our monthly trainings and support gatherings every 3rd Saturday from 1-3pm at St. Francis Lutheran Church (152 Church St).  The first hour we will learn, the second hour we will support each other and learn what is working at other San Francisco congregations.

If you would like to learn more or ensure that you get future updates about these trainings, please contact The Rev. Valerie McEntee at

Please RSVP to Valerie if you plan to come so we can be sure to have enough materials.  Please note, you will need to push "Conference Room" on the gate near the Memorial Terrace to be buzzed in when you arrive.

We look forward to seeing you on April 20th.

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